Monday, January 9, 2012

The Beginning

Hello blogging world.  Well, this is new for me.  Not blogging exactly, but having a blog that is about me, not the family, not my precious little girl, but just me.  See, back in 2010 we were expecting our first child (and so far only) so I decided to start a blog to keep our family up to date about what was happening in our quickly changing lives.  Enter a precious baby girl and soon, the blog posts became few and far between.  Because let’s face it, when you have a fussy newborn, who has time to write.  And what are you going to write about? That today Anna Kate cried for only 45 minutes, slept about 6 hours, and had 3 poopy diapers?  No one, not even my sweet family, really cares about any of that.  So our family blog quickly got put on the back burner, and then completely taken off the stove. 
Now our little girl is about to be 2 (in just 2 short months), so I started looking online for party ideas.  And I quickly became entrenched in what I used to spend my free pre-baby time doing – cruising blog land.  Oh how I’ve missed it.  And looking at all these blogs, I see that organizing your life and home, having family mission statements and words of the year are all the rage.  So it got me thinking – I should start blogging again.  All these blogs I see, these ladies are encouraging me to do exactly what I have wanted to do.
See, back before Christmas, Barbara Walters did an interview with President Obama and the First Lady.  And Michele Obama made a comment about her taking time out for herself and how the girls see that and learn from that.  And I realized that my little girl is getting to the age where she sees what Mommy does and she tries to copy Mommy.  I want to be a mom that my little girl wants to be like.  I don’t want to be the kind of mom I seem to be now – the one who never can get anywhere on time, can’t find anything she needs, never has the clothes she needs/wants to wear clean, and can’t see through all the clutter this house has accumulated.  I’ve gotten in a rut and I’m just not where I want to be. 
So I decided I would set goals for myself.  NOT New Year’s resolutions because I never seem to be able to keep those.  These are things I want to strive to do and to be.  I want to be that girl that you envy because she just always seems to have it together.  She always seems to be so happy and carefree (probably because she doesn’t have a stack of bills and piles of laundry waiting for her at home).  I want to feel confident again.  So what better way to hold myself accountable than to put it out here for all of Blog land to see.  Now I have to follow through, I don’t want to look like a failure to all these strangers.
So, my goals for 2012, in no particular order, are:
·         Get back to a healthy weight.  Not sure what that is, but I’ve started watching what I’m eating and trying to do at least a little exercise every day.  And in just a few short weeks, the hubs and I will be joining a gym.  This is an even bigger accountability – because if I’m shelling out the money to go, then I’m not going to waste that money!
·         Get rid of all the clutter in this house.  I’ve already started on this and it makes me feel so happy!  I am taking each room and going through EVERYTHING!  I’m doing what they used to do on that show “Clean Sweep” – I have a Keep pile, a Sell pile, and a Trash pile.  Makes me want to do a happy dance when I see all of our junk leaving the house.
·         Become a more organized person.  This is going to take the most work, because it’s not something I can do and then just forget about.  This one will take constant work.  But I’ve looked at several websites and done a little reading and I think I am getting prepared to become organized.  There are a LOT of great tips, tricks, and ideas out there.  I’ve compiled several lists (I’m a perpetual list maker) of things to try, so we’ll see what works out.

Tomorrow will be the starting day, and I can tell you it will be full of “getting started” things so I can accomplish all my goals.  Here’s hoping that little girl will be good for mom and let her get a few things accomplished!